
Ragana is Maria and Noel, Olympia, WA.

Some lists and press for our new album Desolation's Flower: Pitchfork's Best New Music, Best Songs of 2023, and Best Rock Albums of 2023, Rolling Stone's 11 Best Metal Albums of 2023, Paste's Best Albums of 2023, Stereogum's Album of the Week, Treble's 50 Best Albums of 2023, and The Quietus' Best Heavy Metal of 2023.

Some recent interviews: Boulder Weekly, Bandcamp Daily and KQED.

Booking & general inquiries: growsrots@gmail.com
European booking: ricky@swampbooking.com
Press: stephanie@another-side.net

Mail: P.O. Box 2651, Olympia, WA, 98507 USA